Theatre of historical costume «El merosi»
This law is simple and exact: all the new rests on the old, grows from it, transforms into the new.
How can we learn who have been before us? Who have lived on our common land? Who have left their trace in history, which we are looking for now?
History Archeology.
All the historical sources may be divided into two big groups: which are material and written evidences.Tools, remains of ancient buildings, tombs, mines and sanctuaries, caves, ancient irrigation systems, adornments and tableware, i.e. everything created by man is the most valuable source for historians. Petroglyphs are of great interest for the researchers of antiquity. By drawings scratched or cut out the rocks, painted with paint-based paints on the walls of caves and grottoes, one can images the ancient man's world, his world outlook and self-appraisal. Being great in number and diversified in nature, the written sources are also trustworthy. There is one more component of unique heritage of our ancestors. These are costumes of people of different epochs, different religions and different states. They symbolize the eternal dreams of beauty embodied in everyday of appearances. Clothes do not only isolate man from the environment, but, according to our ancestors, preserve and enhance it buy certain magic actions which are often ciphered in patterns and ornaments.
Costumes is so great that if you look into this treasure one and realize its links with customs, rites and the most ancient sources of culture, you will enjoy it to the full. Folk costumes become the chronicle of our ancestors life. By means of color, from and ornament it opens up many innermost mysteries and laws of beauty.
The show "Instants of Eternity" begins with a dancing and musical number telling, about severe hunters of the Bronze Age (end of 3rd- beginning of 2nd millennia B.C.). They perform a hunting scene. Their costumes are made of a coarse hand made fabric and decorated with leather and fur. The costumes have been reconstructed based on archeological findings. The number includes fragments of traditional ritual dances of the nations which used to worship the nature and ghosts of birds, animals and plants. Mysticism prevailed over knowledge in the world of those nations.
The hunters give way to nomads. There are more furs and leather elements in their costumes and lanes are substituted by short swords,i.e. akinaks. The costumes of the middle of the 1st millennium B.C. are reconstructed according to images on the Behistun vessels are reliefs. Militant "Scythians" play the battier scene where both male and female nomadic high rankers participate.
Rhythmic, even aggressive music leaves the stage together with those whom it matches so well. Now "golden" Achaemenids appear on the stage. Fluid movements of the actors harmonize with dignity of aristocrats and regnant persons. Their costumes date to the 8st-6st centuries B.C and reproduce the images of the stone and majolica bas reliefs of palaces in pars, Persepolis and Babylon. They are more "complex" and sophisticated. Tall headgears emphasize the high status of their owners. Various religious cults peacefully coexisted in the huge Achaemenid Empire, including that of Anahita.
It seems that as if mythological birds with thin and colorful wings have flitted into the stage space. They are priestesses of Anahita. These costumes are restored according to figurines of Anahita.
The figurines have been found at the ancient settlement of Afrasiab. The costumes are decorated with golden and silver cords , beads and round plaques, tall turbans crown the heads of the priestesses.
The Sogdian period is represented by the embassy of king Chaganian to Samarkand. The episode describes his meeting with the princess and donation of tributes . Rich garments of the royal personage and his suite are decorated with gold and silver embroiderers and ornaments. Costumes of the 4th-7th centuries A.D. have been made according to the frescoes of Afrasiab, Penjikent and Varahsha.
The sogdians give way to Timurides 14th-15th centuries A.D. Information about this historical period is more abundant since written sources lavishly "sprinkled" with illustrations and available "Babur Naman" and "Zafar Naman". Attires of courtiers and noble ladies are made of velvet, brocade and silk: they are embellished with laces are bands and rich decorations. This time is be lived to be the golden age of science, culture, and poetry. The latter was and integral attribute of the court parties and celebrations. This very side of life of the Timurid state is shown by the actors.
The show is concluded by presentation of one rite which still exist in its almost undistorted form in different regions of Uzbekistan. Of course, this is wedding ceremony!
Costumes of the 19th century are made of silk, brocade, bekasan and satin. Both the male and female garments are lavishly decorated with golden and silver embroideries.
National Uzbeks dances, performed by the theatre ballet stars, harmoniously supplement the snow program.
Within its relatively short life, the "EL MEROSI". Theatre of Historical Costumes have won recognition both in Uzbekistan and abroad. The Theatre has already visited Belgium, Germany, Italy, France , Turkmenistan and Turkey. The main idea of the guest performances was to bring the national culture closer to spectators.